Thursday, October 25, 2007

Brazen Hussies

Fran and I write you today from the position of two brazen hussies: brazen because we are unashamed, and hussies because we are without self-restraint. We make no apology for sending this out to every person we know even remotely.

The book is here!!!

We received our first shipment of books yesterday and to hold the actual book in our hands, after two years of prayer, agony, sweat, arguments, crying, and writing, is beyond description – even for us. Except to say, we are overjoyed. The cover has just enough mystery to engage the attention of a passerby gazing along a bookshelf, hoping something will catch her eye and reveal the secret to a better life. (Isn’t that the book we are all looking for?) We are delighted with the finishing touches added by copywriters, editors and the publisher – WinePress Publishing. Sue Riger’s cover design was the icing on the cake.
During the editing process, we were moved to tears to receive this note from one of our proofreaders:

Dear Cathee and Fran,

I proofread your upcoming book, Thresholds and Passages, and I felt I had to write and express my overwhelming amazement of how God works in our lives. Just like your example of the license plate with the word "trust" on it that came to the fellow at just the right time, this proofread coincidentally fell into my hands at a time in my life when God is taking me to a threshold and bidding me enter and take a risk with my writing.

To me, this book was not a "job" but an experience to treasure and gobble up. I
was moved more than once to tears as I recognized His beckoning me to "jump off
the cliff" and into the lake of His will, and He'll refresh me with His abundant

Not only is your book superbly written, it also has the mark of authority--you've "been there-done that" and have found the Lord faithful. I look forward to getting a copy of this book when it comes out, to keep near me to re-read and begin to apply the principles you have so clearly laid out. In the meantime, I hope you won't mind if I occasionally print out a page or two of the proofread to refresh my soul and keep me on track.

May the Lord richly bless you with the distribution of Thresholds and Passages. Every woman should read this book.

We couldn’t ask for a better endorsement that that!

It will be about three weeks before the book is available online at We’ll send a short email later to let you know when you can order it. If you live in Naples, we’d love to have about 30 of you call the Family Christian Bookstore or Barnes & Noble and ask them to order the book for you. We are still in the process of meeting requirements for Barnes & Nobles and other local stores. We will have several book signings scheduled during the winter months.

We’ve completed the task God gave us in writing and now we ask Him to bless the work of our hands and give us favor in many places, so that the message of hope to women searching for an answer to the ache, and a way to write new scripts for their lives, will come into their possession though this volume. We believe in asking BIG. It’s one way we can honor our big God.

Cathee & Fran

1 comment:

Daggywaggy said...

Congratulations - and just in time for Christmas at that! Can't wait to get my copy and one for all the girls in my life.